Carter is a national and international award-winning investigative reporter whose stories have ranged from national security, terrorism, immigration. Award-winning investigative reporter John Solomon has been delving deep into the Dominion voting systems, and he believes he’s cracked the case. Solomon joined Lou Dobbs, where he outlined what he’s discovered, and it may not be the sophisticated plot you thought, but trust me, it’s still so sinisterand Detroit is “ground zero” for the steal. By John Solomon, Opinion Contributor — 08/22/19 07:00 PM EDT. The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill. View Latest Opinions. Follow him on Twitter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Zuberi’s lawyer said that more will come out about his client’s work with the US intelligence community. But as John Solomon points out in his piece, the real kicker here is that Mr. Zubei committed some of his crimes while assisting the U.S. Government – furthermore, he was raising money for Clinton, Biden, Obama, the Trump inauguration, and members of Congress while having a.
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Imagine him in a cow suit, it's easier.
Jennifer Williams and Alexander Vindman are firsthand witnesses to all of this shit, MAGAs.
We don't need the whistleblower to
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— Holly Figueroa O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) November 19, 2019
So Devin Nunes gave an opening statement at Tuesday's impeachment inquiry hearing, and he had three main points to make:
1. No one should watch these hearings. They're a 'Democrat' Party (yeah) fraud.
Has anyone reminded Devin Nunes what happened to 'Monty Python's Life of Brian' ticket sales once the Catholic League told people *not* to watch it?
— Frances Langum (@bluegal) November 19, 2019
2. This is the Liberal Media's fault! They hate Donald Trump!
So the GOP has decided to go with straight-up McCarthyism: 'Do you now or have you ever disagreed with the Dear Leader?'
Also The Media is a tool of evil Libtards like me.
— driftglass (@Mr_Electrico) November 19, 2019
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3. Instead, everyone should check out this article in 'The Hill' by John Solomon, which pushes Russia talking points on Ukraine.
Devin Nunes upset that The Hill is fact checking a false story written by John Solomon. The GOP loves the media when it writes baseless articles that support them. #ImpeachmentHearings
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) November 19, 2019
Jimmy The Fink Finkelstein owns @thehill. He’s pals w Nosferatu Giuliani & President #ChestPains.
Fink facilitated @jsolomonReports’ Putin-backed propaganda that Ukraine, not Russia, hacked our election.
Prolly a coincidence.#DevinNunesIsAnIdiot
— (((evan shapīro))) (@eshap) November 19, 2019
The Hill is reviewing the work of former 'opinion contributor' John Solomon, whose pieces on Ukraine have received brutal criticism from witnesses in the impeachment inquiry. Below is the text of an email to The Hill's staff from Editor in Chief Bob Cusack.
— ErikWemple (@ErikWemple) November 18, 2019
And so now 'Devin Nunes is an idiot' is trending on Twitter.
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Devin Nunes is what would happen if someone tried to make stupid from concentrate, but forgot to add water.#DevinNunesIsAnIdiot
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— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) November 19, 2019
I feel really bad for Steve Carell when he has to play this twat in the movie of all this clusterfuckery.#DevinNunesIsAnIdiot
Where Is John Solomon
— Corey Yeoward (@CompositionFour) November 19, 2019
Devin Nunes is the Matt Gaetz of Jim Jordans.#DevinNunesIsAnIdiot
— Eric Wolfson (@EricWolfson) November 19, 2019
And Devin Nunes's opponent is fundraising off his idiocy, the one great thing to come out of Republicans on this committee.
Dan Bongino Twitter
Trending: #DevinNunesIsAnIdiot
You know what would really make him feel like an idiot? If his antics this morning caused me, his Dem opponent, to raise $20,000.
Let's give @DevinNunes the @EliseStefanik treatment. Chip-in now!
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— Phil Arballo (@PhilArballo2020) November 19, 2019